Listen To Your Body

Our bodies are in a constant balancing act to maintain something called homeostasis. Homoeostasis is the correct balance of our internal body chemistry. To achieve this we have to provide ourselves with the right ingredients for all these chemical reactions to take place and that means eating and drinking a very well balanced diet.

You may think that the food cravings and odd fads we get are just quirks but I think the body knows best and we need to be more in tune with the messages it sends us.

Also it is easy to change and retrain the things that we think we are used to.

Let’s start with chocolate because it is most peoples favourite.

Chocolate craving is not as mad and bad as it sounds; chocolate has some very good properties. It is high in iron and also has a serotonin (antidepressant neurotransmitter) like action on the brain. But a chocolate bar also has lots of sugar so it is not a good idea to eat it in large amounts. A handful of dried apricots (unsulphred) will provide iron so these are a good substitute if you are craving chocolate and a walk in the fresh air will improve our feeling of well being.

People will often crave strange foods especially during pregnancy. It is the body’s way of saying it is lacking something and needs a bit of help. It is worth taking a little time to sit and think if you have been eating the right foods, getting enough exercise, relaxing and sleeping well.

Look at the food you are craving and research what it is in that food substance that you may need. You will probably be able to eat a more healthy combination of foods that will stop the craving.

There is also the possibility that the digestive system is not working efficiently for whatever reason and although you are eating a sensible diet you are not digesting and absorbing the food well. Try a little live yogurt everyday for a few days to improve gut bacteria which play a part in digestion. I do not recommend taking it for too long as there is a possibility that you will disturb the balance of the gut flora (bacteria) by putting too much “good” bacteria in there.

The message is a simple one…listen to the messages your body is sending you.

Eat a sensible diet

Drink water, not too much caffeine containing drinks


Relax/take time for yourself

Sleep a reasonable number of hours.

Have fun

If you have your health everything else is possible.

Linda Bostock

Medical herbalist

Herbal Health Information on Chickweed (Stellaria Media)

This is such a cute little plant with a tiny white star shaped flower that you would not normally bother to look at. It contains saponin glycosides coumarins and is a source of Vitamin C.  You can see it in the Herstmonceaux video.

All Herbalists will tell you it makes the best cream for Eczema because it is moisturising, soothing, healing and anti itch.

I do not use it internally but it is the base of all my Eczema creams.

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist/Herbal Health Information.

Herbal Health Information on Chicory (Chicorium Intybus)

I find it very interesting that plants growing in the same area have similar properties as shown in the Herstmonceux video. I guess it is obviously the soil type which supplies these plants with the same nutrients from which they make their active ingredients.

Chicory found near Herstmonceux

The root of Chicory  again contains tannin, which has astringent properties.

More interestingly, the root is still dried, roasted, ground and used as a coffee substitute, especially in France where many coffees also contain Chicory.

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist

Herbal Health Information on Cramps

Normal muscle activity involves contraction and just as importantly, relaxation of whichever muscle is being used. If the muscle does not relax after contraction, this results in cramp.

I am sure we have all been woken at night with a muscle in our calf tightened up and going into spasm resulting in us jumping out of bed and stamping around the room waking up anyone or everyone in the vicinity.

Avoiding cramps is all about diet. Muscle contracts and relaxes due to an exchange of Calcium /Magnesium through the tissue of the muscle wall. It is therefore essential that our diets contain a sensible intake of these minerals as well as all other vitamins and minerals.

This is the one and only time I advocate eating a good intake of dairy products, which provide calcium. (providing you do not have a dairy intolerance) Meat, fish watercress and spinach are also good calcium sources.

Magnesium is present in most foods, particularly meat, milk, eggs, seafood and nuts.

An example of a good mixed diet would be:-

BREAKFAST;- muesli or fruit or wholegrain cereals with  some nuts/ semi-skimmed milk/ fruit juice

(Dried fruits contain a high amount of iron.)

LUNCH:- tinned  tuna/salmon/sardines (tinned fish has a high amount of calcium),or eggs or cheese and salad

Or baked potato with low fat Cole slaw or baked beans or a sandwich made with wholemeal bread and a sunflower or olive oil margarine.


DINNER: – lean cooked meat of any sort. Remember lamb and pork has more fat throughout the body of the meat so the fat is harder to cut off when preparing it for cooking. Red meat at least twice a week. Eggs at least twice a week, for iron and mineral content.

Any vegetables you like and as much as you like.

Be careful that you do not have too much dairy though it comes with its own problems such as increasing catarrh production.

Try to get out of the habit of having pudding.

Drink plenty of water during the day and no more than three cups of tea or coffee, preferably decaff.

You know I am now going to say EXERCISE! This will open up lymphatic pathways in the muscles and ensure that lactic acid, produced as a by product of muscle function is removed efficiently.

No you do not have to be Mr or Mrs Super fit of the year but you do need to be exercising regularly.

20 minutes of walking a day or swimming twice a week or a dance class or whatever takes your fancy within your capabilities.  If you are less mobile then ask for some help from your Doctor who should be able to get you on to an exercise programme.


There are a few herbs which prevent the muscles going into spasm, the main one of which is Crampbark. You can have a look at it in the herbs and health section and also in the West rise marsh video. It does what its name suggests it does and prevents muscle spasm.

The other herb I would recommend is Goose Grass as this opens up the lymphatic pathways and ensures the removal of lactic acid.

It is unlikely you will find these as an over the counter preparation, but you should be able to get them as tinctures. Follow the instructions on the bottles.

If you need more help please do come and see me in clinic. You can find the clinic details by clicking here or on the “clinic” tab at the top of the page.

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist/Herbal Health Information

Herbal Health Information on Thrush/Candida

The opportunistic organism, Candida albicans is responsible for causing either oral thrush, mostly in infants or vaginal thrush in adult females. This can be passed on to the sexual partner, but there is a lower incidence in adult males.

Candida albicans is a yeast organism, the spores of which are present on the skin most of the time.

Vaginal and oral health is dependant on keeping the mucous membranes intact and in good condition. If there are any pre-disposing factors such as Antibiotic use which kills the natural bacterial flora of the Vagina, or iron deficiency, or oral contraceptive use, then the yeast spores will take hold and grow in the vagina causing a white curd like discharge and extreme itching and discomfort.

Oral thrush in infants needs treatment from the doctor.

An isolated case of vaginal thrush is nothing to be concerned about, but recurrent thrush indicates there is something else going on which needs investigating.

  • Boosting the immune system generally is important so that the body can fight the invasion of the yeast spores. This means having a good intake of Vitamin C and Zinc in your diet or taking a supplement.
  • Eating live yogurt is a must if you have thrush and it is also worth using it as a cream in the vagina. Messy but it will help to restore the vagina’s natural bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus.
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid sugary foods (yeasts thrive on high sugar levels)
  • Many sources say to avoid yeast containing foods such as bread, but I do not see the logic in this advice as yeast in bread has been cooked and is dead.
  • Avoid sex if you have thrush although this is usually painful due to the lining of the vagina being damaged

Herbal Medicine is best taken in tincture form and a suitable mixture of herbs would be:-

Echinacea, to boost the immune system.

Marigold for its anti fungal properties

Pau d’arco, which is a specific for vaginal thrush, having strongly anti fungal properties.

I cannot give you dosage guidelines as you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. But if you would like more help and advice please do visit me in my clinic.

To find out more about the clinic please click here or on the clinic tab at the top of the page.

If you do suffer from recurrent thrush then please see a doctor as there is usually an underlying cause which needs investigating.

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist/Herbal Health Information

Herbal Health Information on Cold Sores

These are caused by the herpes simplex virus which can be passed on by kissing or other physical contact. Although not life threatening they can be so debilitating as they can cause cracked and sore areas around the nose mouth and eyes, but if around the eyes you need to go to the doctor for help.

Once the Herpes virus is in the body it is almost impossible to get rid of as it sits around quietly on nerve roots and waits until the body is run down before it takes hold and causes a flare up, commonly, when you are suffering from cold or flu but can be any other illness which compromises the immune system.

Therefore boosting the immune system is very important to help the body defend itself from any invading organisms. This can prevent a flare up of cold sores and help the body fight off colds and flu to stop it getting run down.

Nutritionally it is important to take in large amounts of Vitamin C and Zinc.

Vitamin C is in most fruit and veg, but I have found the best source to be Limes.

Take a fresh lime, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of one half into a glass.

Fill the glass with cold water and drink it down. A glass a day first thing in the morning will boost your Vitamin C levels. Obviously don’t stop eating other fruit and veg during the day as this will maintain your normal vitamin and mineral intake.

Zinc is fairly low in foods due to modern farming methods and is difficult to absorb. It is therefore essential to have an intake of Zinc daily. It is present in high amounts in Pumpkin seeds, oats, peas and shell fish, but I advise the easiest way of getting Zinc, is to eat about a handful of pumpkin seeds or a bowl of porridge daily. You can buy Pumpkin seeds in any health food shop and large supermarkets. Of course the rest of your diet should be a sensible balanced diet to ensure a good intake of other vitamins and minerals which Vitamin C and Zinc Metabolism (usage) will be dependant on in the body. Drink at least two pints of water a day to help clear out toxins.

Internally, the traditional immune system boosting herb is Echinacea which stimulates the white blood cells in the blood which are responsible for removing foreign bodies and also producing antibodies to fight infections. Echinacea is available in health shops or on the internet but make sure you are buying a licensed product which will have undergone rigorous tests to prove efficacy.

Two other herbs have a direct anti viral effect on the herpes simplex virus, and these are St. John’s Wort and Melissa (lemon balm)

St. John’s wort is taken internally as a tincture or capsules and is available from health shops or on the internet.

Melissa is used externally as a topical application. The only way you will get hold of this is if you grow it in your garden or have a friend who grows it. Many large herb suppliers will stock Melissa but it will be dried and the fresh plant is better to make a topical application, although the dried will do.

Pick a good handful of Melissa, preferably mid morning. Place it in a jug and add a cupful of boiling water. Leave this to steep for 10-15 minutes. If you are using dried plant it is one teaspoon to a cup of boiling water.

Strain and store in the fridge for a few days when you will have to make a new lot.

Dab this liquid on to the cold sore at least four times during the day.

This is definitely a case of prevention is better than cure so keeping your self well fed and boosting your immune system regularly, is essential.

However like all forms of medicine, do not take Echinacea all the time, bacteria and viruses become immune to all forms of medicine if they are continuously exposed to them.

If you would like to visit me in my clinic please click here or on the “clinic” tab at the top of the page.

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist/herbal Health Information

Herbal Health Information on Arthritis

There is so much written about Arthritis that I am not going to pretend to know all the latest research, butI will tell you my experience of helping patients with arthritis to achieve a better quality of life.

Sadly by the time Arthritis sufferers come to see me they have usually had the condition for many years resulting in degeneration (breakdown) of the joint lining. They have a long history of taking strong anti inflammatories, pain killers and possibly steroids. I know the joints are painful and inflamed but pain tells us when to stop doing something and if it is masked then there is a possibility the joint is used beyond its capability causing further damage to the joint itself.

So my first advice is to always be aware of the limitations of an arthritic joint and only use it as much as is comfortable.

Diet is very important but different people find their joints may react to different foods. The norm, is to radically reduce the intake of dairy and wheat and never eat any Tomatoes and Oranges. The acid in these two foods is not broken down by the body so creates an acidic environment which is not good for joints and the urinary system.

Many arthritis sufferers find eating meat will increase inflammation. The message here is to keep an eye on your diet to see if any foods do make your arthritis worse. If they do, you may have to visit a nutritionist to cut out these food substances but maintain a healthy diet.

Drink loads of water.

Any inflammatory condition I approach in the same way

  • Ensure the digestive system is working well to break down food and eliminate toxins
  • Improve joint circulation
  • Make sure the urinary system is eliminating metabolic (body function) by-products
  • Reduce inflammation

A typical herbal prescription would be:-

  • Dandelion root tincture, which improves digestive function and elimination of toxins via the Bowel.
  • Ginger, (very small amounts) to improve circulation to the joints
  • Celery seed, (small amounts) to improve uric acid excretion from the kidneys as well as having anti rheumatic properties.
  • Meadowsweet, a little favourite of mine, which has strongly anti inflammatory properties.

This is not set in stone and may vary depending on the patient, what medicines they are already on and the severity of their condition.

There are many over the counter herbal remedies for arthritis but if you buy one make sure it is a licensed product, which means it is tried and tested.

I do recommend if you have been an arthritis sufferer for some time and are on orthodox medicines but want to try an alternative, that you visit a qualified Medical Herbalist who can take all those factors into account and will tailor make an Herbal Remedy specifically for you.

My Clinic details can be seen by clicking here or on the “Clinic” tab at the top of the page.

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist

Herbal Health Information

Herbal Health Information on Eczema

When I had my clinic in Slough in Berkshire, Eczema was the most common condition I treated. I treated hundreds of cases ranging from a 10 month old baby covered from head to foot with red itchy inflamed weeping skin to older children whose skin had become like elephant hide due to the prolonged use of steroids.

Eczema is not an external condition. The problem lies within the body and requires internal cleansing, balancing and restoring to normal function.

Most of the Eczema I treated was Atopic, which is a genetically inherited form usually related to allergic conditions, first presenting at quite a young age as itchy broken skin in the crux of the elbows and knees and spreading around the body

A very interesting thing I noted was that many of the West Indian and Asian children reported to me that when they went back to their native country the Eczema cleared up after a few days and within about five days of landing back in England it would flare up again. So I always worked on the basis that although that particular patient may have been genetically prone to Eczema, diet and pollution were definitely factors to take into consideration.

I can hear you saying here we go again she is going to bang on about diet again, well, YES I AM. I will bang on about it until I know I have got the message across that the food we put into ourselves provides us with the building blocks to stay healthy and to repair damaged body tissue.

Think of it as a building being built with poor building materials, it is bound to fall down quickly, whereas a building built from good quality materials may last forever.

There are several foods to cut down on if a person is suffering from Eczema:-

Tomatoes and oranges are a complete no go area due to their acid content.

We do use too much tomato in cooking and orange juice is now the favourite breakfast drink. But as I have said before, too much of the same food substance is hard for the body to digest.

Cow’s milk has been implicated in Eczema and some people have found Goats milk helps. However I tell people to cut down on the amount of dairy intake, not to cut it out, especially for children who need a high calcium intake while they are growing. Cow’s milk is designed for baby cows and is too rich and hard to digest for humans. Of course in nature ancient man would have been Breast fed until the age of two ish and then not eaten any other dairy product as they did not use milk as a food substance. It was only the advent of farming about 11,000 years ago which meant that cattle could be herded and milked and that is a blink of an eye in evolutionary terms.

An “all things in moderation” diet is a good diet for Eczema sufferers except for oranges and tomatoes. Make sure there are plenty of foods containing

Omega oils….such as oily fish,

Zinc……….. such as peas and pumpkin seeds and oats

Vitamin C…..any fresh fruit and veg

These three ingredients (6 actually as there are 3 Omega oils) are essential for good cell repair within the body.

Drink lots of water and NO fizzy drinks, they contain too much acid.

Right, now on to the herbs. I am going to give you a typical herbal prescription for Eczema but please do remember that people are individuals and respond differently to different plants and Vice Versa!


Red Clover ……..we saw this in the walk on the downs video. It is just about the best lymphatic system and skin cleanser

Heartsease……….a little wild pansy, having alterative (changing to normal), anti inflammatory and anti allergy properties with the added benefit of being high in Zinc.

Burdock………as a liver and digestive system cleanser to make sure no toxins are produced and absorbed from the gut.

Nettles…………….if it is an atopic allergy related Eczema. Nettles are nutritious and blood cleansing.

Celery seed………in small amounts to act as a diuretic to make sure the kidneys excrete all waste products from the body.

Chamomile……something to calm down the irritation

This would be for an initial four weeks, after which I would see the patient again and either keep them on the same mixture depending on the progress or move on to the next stage to improve skin healing with an herb such as Marigold.

I have a high success rate treating Eczema conditions which very rarely return if the patient keeps to a sensible diet.

I do also make up Eczema cream containing, Chamomile and Aloe Vera to soothe and cool the skin whilst it is being cleared out internally.

If you have a child suffering from Eczema please take them to see a Qualified Medical Herbalist, do not try and minister to them yourself as getting the dosage of herbal medicine right is  important. That is also true for anyone.

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist, Herbal Health Information

View Clinic details here

Herbal Health Information on the Immune System and Colds

The Immune system is the body’s internal defence armoury, which protects us from the millions of germs out there. There are so many factors in modern day living which can affect our immune system, resulting in people picking up any virus going and suffering recurrent colds and coughs.

Stress, poor diet, Insomnia and any long term illness can all prevent the proper functioning of the immune system.

We really must look after ourselves. Put a bit of time and effort into YOU and the payback will be a healthier, fitter, happier, more energetic li



You must eat it!

Porridge/ muesli/ any wholegrain cereal/ fruit/juice. Not all at once!


Salads or baked potato or sandwich some fruit if you didn’t have any at breakfast


Cooked meal with some protein foods such as meat eggs or fish /pulses beans for the vegetarians or just if you like them. Fresh veg although fresh frozen will do if you are busy. Some carbohydrate such as rice potato or pasta.

Always vary it though and make sure you do not eat too much of any one thing. For example don’t eat toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner. That’s three lots of wheat a day and the gut will not like digesting all that!

Loads of Vitamin C containing foods, which is all fruit and veg but especially citrus fruits and zinc containing foods which is oats, peas, pumpkin seeds, lentils and Oysters if you are feeling rich.

Zinc and Vit C help the body fight of viruses.

Drink water and not too much tea and coffee


Have a look at the article on stress to learn more, but briefly, make relaxation and switching off time for yourself. Dance, sing, read, watch a film, join a meditation or yoga class, anything that helps you to relax.

Exercise I can almost hear you groaning but this is really not an option. It gets the body in good shape to be able to cope with external and internal changes.

Alcohol and cigarettes also affect the immune system, so if you can reduce, it will help.


Echinacea is the Media’s herb of choice to boost the immune system which it does by raising the white blood cell count and increases the body’s own powers of resistance. It also has the ability to stimulate Killer cells called Phagocytes, that chomp up any foreign material in the body especially bacteria.

There is a problem with Echinacea though, in that many people are taking it constantly and bacteria are cunning little devils they have the ability to adapt and become immune to anything trying to kill them off. So Echinacea should only be taken,  EITHER when you feel a cold/cough coming on to boost the immune system and help the body fight the virus or bacteria OR for short periods of time to boost the immune system generally. About three weeks taking Echinacea is enough time to boost the immune system and then let the body take over. There are many over the counter preparations of Echinacea but make sure it is a good quality preparation with a licence, meaning it has been through a rigorous testing programme.

St John’s wort and Elder Flower have directly anti viral properties and elder is my herb of choice if someone presents with recurrent colds.

Never forget Garlic. I know some people won’t touch it because of the smell but eat as much garlic as you can in your food. It is the most astounding food for all kinds of conditions in the body one of them being to boost the immune system as well as having antiviral properties. As it is breathed out through the lungs, the volatile oils sterilise everything on the way up so it is a good cough and cold remedy.

If all else fails come and visit me in clinic!

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist, herbal Health Information

View clinic details here

Herbal Health Information on Headaches

I am assuming here, that you have been to the doctor and eliminated anything serious.

That usually leaves tension headaches which are brought on by unconsciously clenching the muscles in the shoulder which are attached to the back of the head. This then pulls the muscles in the head causing them to pull, resulting in headaches. There are other common causes of headaches such as eye strain, tooth pain, viral infections, neuralgia, sinus infections, arthritis and dehydration.

What I am going to talk about here is the tension headache as the others all need dealing with in their own right.

Stress is a factor in tension headaches so look at the stress article and see if you can reduce the amount of stress you have.

Become conscious of what you are doing with your shoulders. If you find yourself constantly hunched up over the computer or whatever you are doing here is a little yoga exercise you can do three or four times during the day:-


Close your eyes, sit comfortably, legs uncrossed and feet slightly apart, relax your hands on to your lap.

Breathe normally, but count how long it takes you to breathe in and breathe out. Do this for about a minute.

Lift your shoulders up to your ears as far as you can, without causing yourself pain, whilst you are breathing in.

Slowly relax your shoulders back down whilst breathing out.

Do that for a couple of minutes and it will make you aware of your neck muscles so that you will get to know when you are tensing them up and be able to relax them.

The whole exercise only takes three or four minutes and is easily done sitting at your desk.


No Caffeine

No Caffeine

No Caffeine

I hope you get the message!

And drink at least two pints of water a day (not juice or hot drinks, just water)

P.S. caffeine withdrawal is dramatic and will give you headaches so come off it slowly, substituting it with herbal teas.


The aim is to help you relax.

Crampbark, which we saw on the West Rise marsh video, is a wonderful muscle relaxant taken internally as a tincture. Both Passionflower and Pulsatilla are calming and relaxing as well as being nervous system supporting herbs.

Lavender oil in the bath or as a rub for the shoulders is relaxing and soothing.

Essential oils must always be diluted, so measure out 10 mls of any base oil, such as Grapeseed, into a container. Add 5 drops of lavender oil and there you have a muscle rub.

If you would like to visit the clinic for more help please click on the Clinic tab

Linda Bostock

Medical Herbalist

View Clinic details here